Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Small Goodbye... And A New Beginning...

I thank you all for the support you have given my photography Facebook. Please don't think that it's not been appreciated, because it certainly has. It means a lot that people like my work. I am blessed in the fact that I have wonderful friends and family who have supported me in everything that I do, and that they have brought friends and family with them that appreciate it also.

I've been waffling on it for several months now, and I've finally decided that I'm not going to be posting photos to the Parker Photography Facebook anymore. When I get my photography website up and running, with the options to purchase photos, I will link to that here as well. From now on, THIS will be the place to keep tabs on me and my photography... not Facebook. I also have a tumblr account that I will post photos on -randomly- from time to time. But, from now on, my photography is all about what makes ME happy.. the way it started out. I'm going back to my roots. 

Here, I can be myself. ALL of myself... rants and all... in addition to my photography. At least I can have some peace in knowing that the people who choose to follow me here will hopefully be following me for all that I am... and have an appreciation for me as a person, as well as an artist, and not just for the photos they want to use me for.    

So, that being said.... if you can't handle All Of Me... there is a little red X up in the far right corner of the screen... click it now.

If you think that can handle me in all my *coughs* glory, then....  welcome to the insanity of it all.



  1. I love all your glory, sweetness. Don't sweat the small stuff ( or the small-minded people).


  2. You know I love ya the way you are and support you 110% in whatever you do! As for the haters...fuck'em.
