Monday, November 21, 2011

Breaking Dawn Premiere Pics

Thanks to an amazing friend *coughsHEIDIcoughs* (oops.. I 'name dropped', didn't I? Oh well.. I'm sure she will forgive me.. *grin*) I was able to not only shoot the stars on the red (black, actually) carpet, I got to meet a vast majority of them because of that. (yes.. Rob, Taylor and Kristen too!)

As a little Thank You to those who have continued to keep up with me here, I have decided to post a few pictures of your favorite stars from the recently released movie, The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn Part 1 from the Red Carpet event and after party. 

Me on the Red (black) Carpet

Gil Birmingham. He was sweet. Came over and said, "I think I'll just hang out over here with you guys for a little bit. How're you doing!?" Of COURSE I had to take a picture with him. *grin* 

Look at that sky! We were so lucky the rain stayed away. 
Just a few folks you might recognize!

 Daddy C and his GORGEOUS blue peepers! *swoons*

 The lady who started it all, Stephenie Meyer

 Honestly.. I have no comment about the suit.. other than, it was very ... soft. Haha. 

 I LOVED Kristen's gown. 

As a personal side note here, I have to say that after watching Kristen with her fans, I have an entirely new respect for her. Countless times she swatted her bodyguard and her publicist away whenever they tried to move her down the isle. Twice they managed to drag her away, and twice she shook them off and went back to signing before they corralled her to have her interview. As they tried to walk her away, the girls standing next to me called out, "Kristen! We've been waiting so patiently! Please come and say Hi to us!" and Kristen got this amazingly pained look on her face, threw her hands up in the air, and said, "I can't leave. I HAVE to go and talk to them. I have to." and she marched her way over to sign their autographs. When she was done there, she walked BACK the way she'd came to sign for people that they had dragged her away from prior. I was grinning from ear to ear, I have to admit. She's grown up and come into her own. It was great to see. 

She apologized over and over again that she couldn't stay or take photographs, but that she wished she could, and thanked everyone for coming to the movie and supporting her. She was amazing. 

I would post more, but I haven't REALLY gotten the go ahead yet, so this is all I'm going to leave you with. I hope you still enjoyed them

I was also able to watch the premiere of the movie 4 days before it's release, and attend the invitation only cast after party which was freakin' amazing. 

I took this picture with my cellphone, so it's not great, but that was in the MIDDLE of the tent as I walked in.

Fully catered, nothing but TOP SHELF alcohol, with an open free bar. It's a damn good thing that I gave up drinking 6 years ago, or I'd have been PLOWED. Just sayin'. The entire tent, which was on the top of a downtown parking garage, was decorated to look like both the wedding, and the honeymoon, complete with water, palm trees, sand and pine trees. It was incredible. Our party invitations were mini replica's of the wedding invitation from the movie. I didn't think to take a picture of it, and they wouldn't let us have them.. dammit.

 The far wall...

There was tables everywhere with food, drinks, and a HUGE table set up with so many desserts, I swear I gained 8735935221 pounds just looking at it. There was even a replica of Bella's wedding cake. 

"I thought it'd be bigger..." O_o

Later on in the evening, the hunky Kellan Lutz made an appearance, and stepped up on the sand bank by the ocean (yes, I said 'sand bank by the ocean'... O_o) and held his arms out and said with a big smile, "Who's first!?" and a line immediately formed to met and take pictures with him. He was very sweet, and stood there for several hours, taking pictures and signing autographs for whomever wanted them until his publicist finally pulled him away. Even then he was gracious and friendly, apologizing to everyone that he had to leave, and thanking people for coming to watch the movie.  

The ocean.. although you can't see the sand. Yes, the flowers and trees were 

You didn't HONESTLY think I'd pass THAT up... did you!? 

By the end of the night.. I think around 2 am, the party started breaking up, and people started clearing out. I had long since taken off my heels and was walking around in my socks, and my feet still hurt. I'd been standing on them since about 1pm.. so yeah.. it was time for them to go. We made our way back to the parking garage where we'd parked the car, and headed back to the hotel and collapsed.

It was an amazing weekend, and we had a complete blast. The chance of a lifetime.. and one I'll never forget. I am hoping that I'll get to do it next year.. since it's the last one, and bound to be pretty emotional. 

We'll see. :) 

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