Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's Not Personal....

I've done a lot of soul searching over the last several days, and I have come to a few conclusions. I need to do what's right for me.

What's right for me is to focus more on myself, and getting me to where I need to be. I need to concentrate on my professional life, and less on the drama in the fandom. I am way too sensitive, and get wrought up so easily, and for my own peace of mind, I just need to step away from it for awhile.

It should be all about the love of the MUSIC, people. Fuck all that other bullshit "He-said-that-she-said" stuff and just love the music. Leave the drama at home and just enjoy yourself. Quit giving the stank eye to someone else because they are closer to the stage than you are, or because Jackson or Jerad or one of the Benz happened to smile at someone in the crowd. So What? It's not PERSONAL.They do not LIKE you or want to date you because they flirted with you. They are ENTERTAINERS. It's what they DO.

Good Lord. I need to stop there. That is a whole other blog for a different day, and not this blog. 

My choice here is NOT personal, either, trust me. Chances are, if I was following you to start with, or had you on my personal facebook, I thought you were the bees knees, and most likely, I still do. I just need LESS Monkeys in my TL on my Twitter and facebook, and more real life. 

I STILL love them and adore their music, and I will continue to do so, but I am sick to death of the drama that surrounds them, and the fact that people just can't play nice with each other. I'm so over it all. 

If I do unfollow you, it's not that I have stopped liking you. It's just that I need LESS of the fandom right now. I will STILL answer to "@ mentions" - I check those several times a day because I don't follow everyone that follows me, so please don't feel like you can't talk to me. :)

If you feel slighted, and feel the need to unfollow me back, or to 'unlike' my photography page because of this, then I am sorry you feel that way, but I understand. 

For now, it's just got to be, all about me.

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